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Harpeth High School has been named by the Tennessee Department of Education as a Reward School.
Reward school status is the top distinction a school can earn in Tennessee. Reward schools are those that are improving overall student academic achievement and student growth for all students and for certain groups of students. 
In cooperation with our community partners, we are providing a pathway to success for all of our students in the classroom and in everyday life. Our main objective is to train and educate our students to be successful in any post-secondary endeavors they choose.

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2024 Harpeth High School Goal Update

Our AV2 and AV3 students created this video to showcase the goals of Harpeth High School at a recent school board meeting. Click the link to view.

That's the Harpeth Way!

The mission of Harpeth High School is to provide a culture in which students are prepared for their future endeavors and learn to be responsible citizens.

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